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Family Sponsorship

Spousal, Common law and Conjugal Sponsorships

Canadian citizens and Permanent residents are able to sponsor their partners under the Family reunification program provided that they meet certain requirements. 

There are two types of applications depending on the circumstances. The application can be filed as an overseas application or an in-land application if the partner is in Canada. Applicants in Canada can also benefit from the “Spousal open work permit”  while they wait for their application to be processed. 

Although there is no minimum income requirement to sponsor a spouse or dependent child the sponsor must prove that they are financially capable to support their loved one once they become a permanent resident of Canada. 

Sponsor your Parent/ Grandparent

Canada also has a “lottery system” sponsorship program where eligible Canadian or Permanent resident applicants can submit a profile to express their interest in sponsoring their parents/grandparents. This program opens once a year. 

Immigration Refugee and Citizenship Canada then randomly selects 10,000 applicants to apply to sponsor their parents/grandparents. 

Sponsors must meet the specific requirements especially the financial capability to be accepted. Please refer to the table for the most current income requirement. This income changes every year.

Sponsor another relative

Canadian citizens or permanent residents can sponsor a relative under the “Lonely Canadian” program. The sponsor must not have any spouse, child, parent or grandparent that they could sponsor. They have to be residing in Canada. They have to meet the requirements of the sponsorship program especially the financial aspect of sponsoring the member.


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