There are different types of work permits depending on your situation.
If you receive a job offer with a valid Labour market Impact Assessment you can apply for a closed work permit and gain Canadian Work experience. You can use the job offer for your express entry profile and claim between 50-200 extra points. After completing one year in a Noc 0,A,B occupation you could be eligible for Canadian Experience Class if you meet other program requirements.
Post Graduate work permits are an option for those who complete their programs of study at designated Learning Institutions. Students have to submit this application within 90 days of completing their program of study.
The Franco mobility program offers French speaking applicants the ability to apply for a work permit without a Labour market impact assessment in a province other than Quebec. This is to encourage more French speaking skilled workers to remain in Canada.
Spousal open work permits are offered to the following applicants:
- Spouses with Inland spousal sponsorship applications
- Spouses of full-time students
- Spouses of applicants with open work permits working in a Noc 0,A,B occupations, as a full time employee